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Hiring a contractor to help you with your home improvement project can be costly. It might be worth it to hire a contractor when you need major home improvements. However, what if you only need to repaint your kitchen cabinets? Do you really need to hire a contractor to do such work?

For minor home improvements like repainting your kitchen cabinets, most people like to do it themselves. This DIY project has some benefits; you only need to spend money for the materials needed. There is no need to pay for workers, since you handle the project by yourself.

Below are step-by-step instructions to get you started:

1. Determine the colors that you want to use for your cabinets. It is a good idea to visualize your expected cabinet color using Corel or similar programs. Make sure that you only choose colors that you really want; thus, you can get the maximum satisfaction when the project is completed.

If you are feeling overwhelmed about tackling this type of project, check out this video of a couple who painted their kitchen cabinets. If they did it, so can you!

2. The second thing to do is cleaning the cabinets. Usually, food residue sticks on the cabinet surface and you should clean it first before painting. If you want to make the cleaning process much easier, just remove the cabinet doors. You can put them on the floor and start the cleaning process more easily. This allows you to reach tiny crevices in your cabinets.

3. Once you have cleaned your cabinets thoroughly, now you come to the most important part of this process. Sanding your cabinets are the next thing that you have to do. Make sure that you sand every part of the cabinet carefully to get the best result. It may take some time to sand the cabinets, but if you handle this part well, you will reap beautiful results.

4. The fourth step is applying primer to the cabinets that you have been sanded. This step is particularly important if you want to repaint your cabinets with a different color. The type of primer that you will use depends on the paint type. If you would like to use an oil-based paint, then use an interior oil-based primer and use the shellac based primer if you want to use latex paint. Both primers carry strong odor; therefore, make sure that you cover your nose with a mask when applying it.

5. Now, this is the core of this project – painting the cabinets! Use quality paint brushes. Apply thin layers when painting. It is more time consuming I know, but the outcome will look much better. Once you finish, stand back and admire your work. Your cabinets now look new and fresh again.


Arianne Suggs is the founder of 1966 Magazine. I love to write about fashion, beauty, lifestyle, fitness and travel. Join me on my journey.

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