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Turn Up The Heat

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They say love is war, but hair can be just as much of a battle. When it comes to getting great results when straightening your hair you have to turn up the heat. Salon quality results can be achieved in the comfort of your very own home. What’s most important is having the right tools and weapons to make it all happen.
A heat-styling tool you most likely have in your hair arsenal is a hair straightener. This article’s focus will be specifically on flat irons. Most women think there is only one type of flat iron and that you simply plug it in, allow it to heat up, then get busy. However, there are so many other factors that need to be taken into consideration in order to gain silky, shiny and smooth hair.

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Choosing the right flat iron begins by developing a knowledge of the various types available and how they operate. There are four different types of flat irons: Ceramic, Tourmaline, Titanium and Ionic. So then, what exactly does each one do or accomplish? Before we break it down keep this one fact in mind, all flat irons use the help of negative ions in order to give your mane a sleek and smooth finish. Moreover, this is true regardless of what brand or make that you purchase.
With that being said, let’s take a closer look at ceramic and tourmaline flat irons. Ceramic irons are manufactured more than any other type of flat iron; therefore, making them very accessible to the public. Flat irons that are ceramic when in use transfer heat evenly. It is best to look for one that is pure ceramic because unfortunately some companies make their product with only a coating of ceramic. This is a problem because with use the coating may chip exposing your hair to the metal underneath. If hair comes in contact with the hot metal it could lead to damage, which is something all women wish to avoid.

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Tourmaline flat irons are made from a gemstone, tourmaline, which is pressed into a powder and used as a coating on the plates of the flat iron. Tourmaline is an excellent source of negative ions making it a damage-free option in the straightening process. Nevertheless, how do titanium and ionic irons weigh in?
Titanium tends to be on the more expensive side but still has its benefits. Titanium is not only a great source of negative ions but is also known for being a more speedy option. This type of iron conducts heat faster than ceramic and users will experience little temperature variation during usage. This means hair will receive an even amount of heat during treatment.

Woman straightening her hair
Lastly, tresses may be smoothed by the use of ionic flat irons. Ionic irons infuse the cuticle to maintain and extend the life of straight tresses for a longer period of time. Ionic technology helps users obtain glossy locks, lessens the risk of heat damage, conditions strands and provides a softer finish. How is all of this possible? Hair has a positive bond of hydrogen which is destroyed when it comes in contact with the negative charge of the flat iron, rendering it straight. In other words, the negative ions neutralize the positive ones to eliminate the static and make your mane much shinier and moisturized. Nonetheless, Ionic irons heat up quickly allowing you to get started styling sooner. A win-win situation when you’re in a time pinch.
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Instafashion: Taraji P. Henson’s Chic LBD

Instafashion Taraji P. Henson's Chic LBD

To instantly see celebrities’ fiery ensembles just take a quick trip down the digital catwalk better known as Instagram. We spied out this little black dress number adorned by the beautiful Taraji P. Henson for White Hot Holidays. White Hot Holidays is a FOX network special that will air this Wednesday at 9/8c. The televised event is hosted by Empire superstars Taraji P. Henson and Terrence Howard.

Rehearsals for WHH are underway and Henson’s head-to-toe look truly burned it up style wise. In a photo originally posted by James Bolden, Henson poses in a LBD showing off her gams and hints of her insane physique. She completes the look with pointed toe heels and red hot nail color. Holden captioned the chic pic, “Something Short to Start The Night Off!!! #WhiteHotHoliday @tarajiphenson #jsnbldnstyleteam.” If that was the goal then it was definitely achieved!

Thoughts? Talk fashion with us on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.


Lil Mama’s New Gray Hair Look!

Lil Mama's New Gray Hair Look

Hip hop artist Lil Mama is back with new music and she has a brand new look to go with it! Lil Mama is no stranger to hair color for the daring diva has even rocked strands brighter than the Emerald City. Nevertheless, Mama’s new recent photoshoot shows her going all granny style and we love it on her.

The gray hair look took the the hair world by storm and is still making believers out of many women the world over. However, as any hair color enthusiast knows that going gray is not exactly simple. Hair that is a naturally a darker tint can literally be fried trying to make the gray dream a reality. This is has not slowed stylists down at all because where there is a wig there is a way!

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Celebrity hair stylist, Cynthia Alvarez, worked Lil Mama’s hair magic during the shoot using Pravana hair color. Pravana has gorgeous silver and ash tones available in order to create a stunning gray hair look. Lil Mama’s hairstyle included super dark roots with the rest of the strands being given the pastel touch. What do you think of Lil Mama’s new look, are you feeling it?

Photoshoot Details:

Makeup: Deney Adam

Styling: Sharif Jackson

Creative Director: Derek Auguste aka Derek FKA Jamel Prodigy

Cool Factor: Lil Mama’s Take Me Back Mixtape is set to drop December 18th.


Pantone’s 2016 Colors Of The Year

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No ladies, your eyes did not fail you as you perused the title of this post. History has been made when it comes to next year’s selection of shades to envy and place on trend. As any beauty maven or fashionista knows normally one shade is chosen but next year two shall reign supreme.

Therefore, what are the two tints that we need to go out and grab? Pantone has selected Serenity which is a pretty, ethereal light blue as well as Rose Quartz which is a delicate light pink. We foresee both colors being a major hit during spring when fresh color is often much appreciated and considered en vogue.

Here is a closer look at the two shades courtesy of Pantone:

Pantone's 2016 Colors Of The Year

The color of palette of the two tints are extremely complimentary of each other. Nevertheless, here is why the pair of colors were chosen out of the entire spectrum:

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Although not outrageously bold both colors can still take a style up a few notches. These colors work for day or night and can be versatile for dressing up or down. With such ease ensembles for 2016 will be a cinch.

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Rose Quartz 

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Thoughts? Talk fashion with us by dropping is a comment down low or hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.


Late Night Beauty Call: Fantasia

Late Night Beauty Call Fantasia

As soon as we saw this gorgeous photo, all of our jaws dropped clear to the floor! Fantasia, excuse us Mrs. Taylor if you follow her on the gram, looked like a bag of money with eyelashes popping, eyebrows fleeking and lips on one like what! Truth Is we want to steal her look A to the S with an AP.

There was so much to love about this makeup look including how understated it is, yet still manages to exude drama. One thing that can always seem to bring a makeup application down is a lack of blending. However, Fantasia’s makeup was blended to perfection giving her an overall flawless look. Moreover, besides not having a blemish in sight we loved the hints of well-placed highlighter that made her glow like the queen’s Crown Jewels. Whew! Fantasia girl, you better work!

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Our beauty’s Instagram: @tasiasword

Know a beauty we should call? Tell us we would love to feature them! Drop us a comment or hit up our Instagram @1966mag


Why Should I Use A Deep Conditioning Treatment?

Why Should I Use A Deep Conditioning Treatment

If you are an avid user of conditioner it may seem quite pointless to use a deep conditioning treatment. Isn’t conditioning your hair after shampooing or using a daily leave-in conditioner enough? Many gals do not use a daily conditioner or if they do they may not be utilizing it correctly. For this reason, it is a good idea to add a deep conditioning treatment to your hair routine in order to compensate for any missed opportunities of keeping hair healthy and strong.

What exactly will a deep conditioning treatment do for the hair? Such treatments help to fill in any gaps or holes in other words it will repair your hair. If you were to look under a magnifying glass you would notice that every strand of hair is built similarly to a tiled rooftop. Hair strands are made up of overlapping cuticles and when these become damaged they lift up or can even break completely off. Kind of how like tiles of roofs are ripped away during a major storm. This results in hair looking dull, beyond frizzy with noticeable damage.

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Deep conditioning treatments are like hair strand repairmen that fix up any rough patches found along strands thus making them smooth, shiny, soft and more manageable. So yes, it is not written on any hair stone that thou must use a deep conditioner. However, it will not hurt one bit to use one if your goal is maintain a head full of lush, healthy hair.


Rosa Parks Does Not Give Up Seat, 60 Years Ago Today

Rosa Parks in June 1999, when she was presented with a Congressional Gold Medal.
Rosa Parks in June 1999, when she was presented with a Congressional Gold Medal.

It may not be Black History Month but today marks a moment in time that completely changed the face of America and set in motion the demolishing of an unfair social system known as segregation. Back in the 50s segregation was still rearing its ugly head until key black figures began to emerge in order to silence its influence once and for all. One such personage was a young woman by the name of Rosa Parks.

On this day 60 years ago, 26 year old Parks was riding a crowded bus and refused to give up her seat. In those days any person of color was required to give up their seat to a non-black individual if the white section had filled up. Since Rosa resisted the bus driver’s proddings and order to give up her seat Parks was arrested. Parks then joined a growing list of of blacks who were refusing to give up their seats to white passengers. A few noted individuals for their acts of bravery in this regard would be: Irene Morgan, Sarah Louise Keys, Bayard Rustin and Claudette Colvin as well as Aurelia Browder who were part of the infamous Browder vs. Gayle lawsuit.

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After Parks arrest, she was ordered to pay a fine and faced a brief time in jail. However, behind the scenes the NAACP were hard at work to shake this issue at its very core. The NAACP felt that Rosa Parks would be the perfect candidate to win the battle against segregation. They began working with Parks along with other local leaders such as Martin Luther King to stage boycotts of passenger buses even on the day Parks went to court.

To really make a point these local leaders kept expanding until the MIA (Montgomery Improvement Association) was formed. The MIA soon made plans for one big extended boycott of passenger buses. What was the result of their efforts?

Due to the fact that 75% of those taking public transportation in Montgomery were black the boycott crippled the revenues of the bus line. Moreover, the boycott lasted a little over a year showing the true unification of the black community and their strong desire to bring about change. However, success did not come without growing pains. MLK faced having his home attacked while Parks lost her livelihood being let go from her place of employment.

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Nevertheless, change was on the horizon yet it would not come from Rosa Parks’ court case. The lawsuit of Browder vs. Gayle would prove to be the key to ushering in a new social order in America. The Supreme Court on November 13, 1956 ruled that segregation on buses was illegal because due to the 14th amendment it deprived blacks of equal protection.

Thanks to the courage of Parks and the entire black community of the fifties banding together segregation came to an end. These accounts show that there is strength in numbers and that true change can come about in a peaceful manner without one shot or riot. Taking a stand for what is right is not a crime, but is an inspiration for all those who can understand without bias. The battle for equal rights was won due to the belief that blacks are intelligent, equal members of society that can work together in order to bring about positive results. A house divided cannot stand, but one that is well-built and standing strong can withstand any  and all storms. Thank you Rosa for taking a stand and making life much brighter for all future generations.

Thoughts? Join the discussion on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.

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What is Microblading?

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If you are a victim of over-plucking, years of botched waxing jobs or perhaps are out seeking out the perfect brow then microblading may be the answer to your “on fleek” prayers. Permanent makeup has come under the beauty firing squad for years due to the bad results many women were experiencing. Skin discolorations, irritation, infection and even odd symmetry from inexperienced technicians were just the tip of the iceberg. Moreover, due to such revelations women have shied away from such makeup, yet it doesn’t mean they are not open to other less harmful cosmetic procedures.

This is where microblading comes into the beauty world picture. Microblading is a semi-permanent procedure that reconstructs, shapes and fills in eyebrows. It is performed with a special pin that deposits pigment under the top layer of the skin.

A pin getting up under the top layer of skin to inject an ink basically sounds like a Marvel character experiment. Therefore, as any sane woman on the planet would want to know, is microblading a painful procedure? Unlike the process that a person can undergo when receiving a tattoo, microblading pin blades are three times thinner than tattoo needles. So then, if a microblading tech performs the job right the entire process should be almost painless. Nevertheless, before beginning, a numbing solution will most likely be applied to the skin to help numb and lessen any discomfort.

What is Microblading

Now that pain is out of the way it is natural to wonder if the end results will look… well, natural. Microblading can give clients a more natural look because the technique involves a technician drawing on crisp, individual hair strokes instead of drawing an outline eyebrow shape and simply filling it in. As any nurse would explain, because the pigments are being deposited right into the epidermis thus impacting color right at the surface every stroke looks very clean without any spillage under the skin.

Now for those who caught it, the mention of nurses may have thrown you off just a tad. Microblading before becoming a beauty trend was used to help alopecia and cancer patients dealing with hair loss. Such patients often had to painstakingly apply eyebrow makeup on a daily basis before this hairstroke technique was invented.

So then, there is an ease and added benefit of being able to really say, “I woke up like this.” However, microblading is not just an one-time deal and then you are good forever. This technique is not permanent and will need to be touched up in order to keep those brows looking pristine. Moreover, as you have already guessed that would tact on future extra cost after the initial procedure.

Numerous salons as well as spas have began to offer microblading services with some going as high as around $1,000. Based upon where you decide to go spas offer touch-ups for $50 with annual touch-ups that can go for a little over $300. A little pricey, but as history shows for some the price of beauty is never too high.

Thoughts? Talk beauty by dropping a comment down low or hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.

Want to see the microblading process in action? Watch the below videos:

This last one is a must-see, the entire process from start to finish in just a few minutes!